Persian and Greek literatures mention major temple to "Anahita" on or near the Royal Road, used by the ancients, but these references had always been considered somewhat mystifying until the full discovery of the remains at Kangavar.

The temple's massive stones and columns are visible from the main road, passing through Kangavar, 31 km from Sahneh, and when re-assembled promise to become one of the more spectacular buildings erected by Persians.

The tumbled-down columns and wall stones have been partially visible for hundreds of years, but only since 1969 has there been coordinated effort to clear the site.

Persepolis-type grand staircases lead up to the high temple platform. Lined below the staircase are the columns and stones which had been found in massive piles, as though an earthquake or other unusual physical forces had sent them crashing down from the platform.

The stones were apparently quarried from the mountain, a few kilometers North, and many used for the foundation still bear the arms of the families who had donated them.

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