Cyprus is an island in far Eastern Mediterranean Sea, below Turkey and in the West of Syria. The country is actually two countries: Southern Republic Cyprus and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (recognized only by Turkey). There are two large mountain ranges on the island: Kyrenian Mountains in North Cyprus and Troodos Massif in the center of the Republic.
Cypriot climate is typically Mediterranean, with very hot summers in June and August. Most of the year is dry, with unpredictable rains falling in December, January and February. Cyprus often suffers drought years.
Background Information
Full country name: Republic of Cyprus
Area: 9251 sq. km
Population: 885,800
Capital city: Nicosia (Lefkosia), Population 48220
People: Greek 78%, Turkish 18%
Language: Greek, Turkish
Religion: Greek, Orthodox, Muslim
Government: Republic
Economic Profile
GDP: US$ 6.3 billion (Turkish: 600 million)
World GDP ranking: 92
Annual growth: 6.5% (Turkish: 5.9%)
Inflation: 5.1% (Turkish: 69.4%)
Major industries: Agriculture, Cement, Clothing, Shoe
When to go
April, May and September, October are the best pleasant times, to visit Cyprus. In summer, sunny seaside attracts tourists.
Nationals of USA, Australia, Canada, Japan, Iran, New Zealand, Singapore and European could stay in Cyprus for up to three months without visa.
How to get there
The best ways to travel to Cyprus are airplane and ship.
Getting around
Bus services are the cheapest and most comfortable way for getting around.
Between cities: Bus
Inside cities: Taxi and bus
Time Zone
GMT/UTC plus two hours
Money and Costs
Currency: Cyprus Pound (Turkish Part: Turkish Lira)
Relative costs:
Budget meal: US$ 5-7
Restaurant meal: US$ 12-20
Budget room: US$ 8-15
Mid-range hotel: US$ 15-30
All the publications, radio and TV are in Greek and Turkish, both language.
Post, fax, telephone, mobile, email and internet
Weights and Measures
Metric system
240 V, 50 Hz
Business hours
Government: 9-16
Shopping: 9-13 and 15-21
Weekend: Saturday and Sunday
Art and Culture
Cypriots are very proud of their cultural heritage, which stretches back more than 9000 years. However, anybody would probably find that Cyprus, today is more concerned with the events of last 20 years.
North of island is busy recreating itself in the image of Turkey, changing English names to Turkish and embracing life and culture of its Northern neighbor.
Their crafts are pottery, silver, copperware, tapestry and carpet.
Major Cities:
Nicosia (LefKosia)
Capital of Cyprus, places in the center of island, was built in 16th century A.D. Nicosia is divided into North and South parts.The most important museums and monuments in South part are:
Leventis Municial Museum, Dragoman Hadjigeorgakis, Byzantine Museum, St John Cathedral and Famagusta Gate
And in Southern part are:
Cirne Gate, Turkish Museum, Selfmiye Mosque and Buyuk Hamam
Paphos places in the West point of the country and attracts many tourists every year. "Saranda Colones", built in 13th century A.D. and "Tombs of Kings" are in Paphos.
Troodos Massif
A mountainous city, in North, with cold weather, was governors shelter in the past. "Kykkos Monastery" is one of its monuments.
"Shakespeare Romantic City", beautiful ancient city, was built in 13th century A.D.

Flag of Cyprus