It is located 14 km away from Belgrade, near Belgrade-Smederevo road and is famous for the excavations of exceptional archeological value. Prehistoric location of Belo Bedo is situated on the very bank of Danube and it represents the world famous archeological site of the remains of large Neolithic settlement, in the cultural layer 10.5 m thick, and covering an area of 10 ha.
During excavations, started in 1908 by Dr. Miloje Vasic, professor of Belgrade University, numerous houses have been discovered, the earthen homes with remains of the prehistoric man's culture.
Each of the sediment ancient layers, representing particular phases of life in Vinca (in the period about 4500-3200 BC), contains real treasures of most diverse artifacts: Tools and weapons of stone and bone, everyday dishes, richly decorated ritual vases, large number of anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figurines of exceptionally impressive stylization, jewelry made of different kinds of rare and precious materials and a multitude of other objects and works of art, made in Vinca or acquired from distant regions, Central Europe, Lower Danube region or Mediterranean.
Discovered artifacts can be seen today in National Museum of Belgrade, and Vinca collection at the Faculty of Philosophy.
Around the year 4000 BC, Vinca culture has spread over the territory larger than that of any other Neolithic culture in Europe. Some of its settlements, by their size and number of dwellers, have surpassed not only all contemporary Neolithic settlements, but even the first towns, which came to existence considerably later in Mesopotamia, Aegean region and Egypt.
Vinca culture reached the peak of its development by the year 3800 BC, approximately, before the other communities emerged, developing new economic and social relations, based on cattle breeding and copper and gold processing.