
In Inlay, pieces of wood, tile,... neatly put together and decorated to represent a work of art and make beautiful and delicate art, which dates back to hundreds of years ago.

Samples of this art could be observed in tile works of mosques. A type of tile which consists of various small pieces, is used in inlay. These type of tile pieces are cut and put together according to the special design.

Inlay on wood in Iran has only a history of less than a hundred of years. Most probably this art has come to Iran from India. Today besides Iran, inlay is also practiced in China, Japan, India, and Pakistan. Although these countries have a longer record in this art than Iran, but delicacy and beauty of Iran‘s inlay is unique. There is a great difference between Iran‘s inlay and those of other countries in design, construction and delicacy aspects.

Designs, which are used in inlay, are also of ancient painting of Asia, Miniature. Miniature is a special oriental painting. Perspective and anatomy rules are not observed in this kind of painting ; color is used for decoration and details are depicted with delicacy.

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