Most of Shahseven of South regions, locating lower than Moqan and Sabalan, are living in villages and only a few of them have still tribal life.

The most important, regarding their woven namakdans, are Shahseven of Hashtroud and Mianeh regions, suburbs of Bijar and Shahseven of Khamseh, Qazvin and Saveh.

Since these Shahseven namakdans are inspired by other tribes, like Kurd, Lor and Afshar, therefore are more variable.

This variety is observed both in weaving and combination.

Shahseven of Hashtroud, Mianeh and Bijar are skilful in both weft wrapping and flat weaving. Namakdans of this region have jolly and variable colors. Backsides are usually plain flat weave with wide stripped design.

Darker colors are used in Shahseven namakdan of Khamseh and suburbs of Saveh and backsides are plain flat weave with plain color, usually brownish red.

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