13th Annual Photo Contest, Vancouver, Canada, 2019

winner image

First Winner

Iraj Roshani


Score: 26 (out of 30)

Jurors Scores Critiques
Allen Bargen 8.5 Classic cars are a delight to shoot. You did a good job with exposure here, and avoided the overexposure often a problem for these reflective vehicles. You captured some nice scenery in the bumper, including it seems, a shot of the photographer.
Kerri-Jo Stewart 9 Great reflections in the car everywhere, the lights, the chrome. No distracting elements that don’t add to the image. Great exposure.
Larry Breitkreutz 8.5 Well composed image following good compositional principles. Uniform even light would enhance the image.
Total Score: 26


CAPA Gold Medal Solo Virtual Photography Exhibition at Caroun Art Gallery (Two Weeks), 2020 CPC Certificate

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