Other Works

Second Digital Photo Contest, Vancouver, Canada, 2015

Elaine Hunter

Title: Iron Gate

Jurors Scores Critiques
Satya Danu 8 What an intriguing light outside the bars.
This image would actually be two. By only presenting the right side this unusual light could “shine”. The eyes would like to rest there!

But also, if you lightened up the area around it a little bit, it would be more pleasing. For further improvement a big junk of the yellow roof would have to be cropped off.

The over—exposed highlight is distracting – only leave a slim line as an indicator of a roof. Now comes the left side of this image, with its lovely light on the gate. It could stand as a photo of its own. SIMPLICITY reigns!
Richard Shapka 6 Could be a very interesting subject to photograph. However the basics of composition, and light need to be improved.

This is a complex scene and one in the composition should be simplified by making choices. The building has roof, walls, a door, a door opening and a foreground of grass. What is the critical subject that the photographer wishes to show the viewer?

It is an almost impossible subject to expose correctly if making just one image. If the subject is the Iron Gate, then do an excellent exposure for detail in the iron gate.

The roof is light in tone, where the detail is lost, and it not an important element of the picture.
Larry Breitkreutz 6 Good composition, but the exposure was a challenge. Blown highlights.
Total Score: 20

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