Other Works

9th Annual Photo Contest, Vancouver, Canada, 2015

Saeid Momany

Title: Lines and Wrinkles of Trees

Jurors Scores Critiques
Wes Bergen 6 Very interesting curves in this subject have the potential to create a great image. This image falls down however, in its lack of detail and colour. A polarizing filter could have been used to reduce glare and increase saturation, and a smaller aperture should have been used to reduce exposure and increase depth of field.
Allen Bargen 5 The subject in this one fills the screen with curves and repetitive patterns. The moss is under-toned and can be brought up in post processing. Your white balance appears to be off, giving the overall image a grey tone, be careful when using auto white balance.
Lynne Kelman 6 The viewer can see what the photographer is trying to accomplish here----by picking up the blue façade of the house and using it as a blue art effect on the entire image----this may have looked better with more detail in the sky, as the eye is drawn to that white negative space.
Total Score: 17

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