Other Works

11th Annual Photo Contest, Vancouver, Canada, 2017

Arvin Bigdeli

Title: New Classmate

Jurors Scores Critiques
Larry Breitkreutz 7 Lovely composition and excellent exposure. Unfortunately, the image is not sharp. Better use of tripod would result in stronger image.
Allen Bargen 6.5 You have to make several quick decisions when an opportunity to photograph Birds pops up. Good job placing the animal on the Vertical left third. The Bird however is quite soft and out of focus.

It appears your camera chose to focus on the branch it is perched on. It is critical that you use a single focal point on these shots to make certain your focus in on the animal, primarily the head and eyes.
Richard Shapka 6.5 Excellent composition, and exposure of bird in frame. Good color rendition combining all the elements with bird, branches and sky.

Unfortunately the focus is very soft. This could be caused by camera shutter lag, or too slow a shutter speed chosen by photographer.
Total Score: 20

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