Other Works

12th Annual Photo Contest, Vancouver, Canada, 2018

Daniel Soheili

Title: Mascara

Jurors Scores Critiques
Ismail Farahani 6 We have seen many images like this, both in color and monochrome. These kind of images work well if they are composed well and are sharp. The image would have worked better if it was presented vertically. Think about a different title.
Carol How 5 The photographer has created a beautiful, almost abstract image by isolating and balancing the elements very well. The title strengthens that perspective.

While there is initially visual impact, it is weakened by the fact that there is no area of sharp focus in the image, even on the eye or lashes.

Using a tripod, faster shutter speed on the camera, or possibly a nearby post for support may have helped with attaining clearer focus and a better image.
Henry Schnell 9 Good capture with very interesting patterns and good placement of the eye. A slight adjustment of contrast and mid tone brightness would improve the image dynamics. The upper right-hand side has a slight over exposure.
Total Score: 20

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