Khajeh Shaseddin Mohammad Hafiz Shirazi
"Charms That Charm Not"

Without the loved one's check the rose
Can charm not

Spring, unless the wine-cup flows
Can charm not

Greenwood's border and orchard's air
Unless some tulip cheek be there
Can charm not

Sugar-lipped, the fare of rosy frame
Whom kisses nor embrace could claim
Can charm not

Dancing Cypress, the enrapturing flower
If no nightingale gladden the bower
Can charm not

Painter's picture, though with genius rife
Without the picture that has life
Can charm not

Wine, flower and bower abound in charm, yet they
Lack me the friend who makes us gay
Can charm not

Thy soul, Oh Hafiz! is a coin that nine prize
And it, though poured forth largess-wise
Can charm not

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