- 1956, Selected poems of Victor Hugo
            Baba Gaurieau
            Plato's public
            About pure poem
            Don Quichette
            Adventures of the opinions of Shahrestani
            Awake Alive
            Earth's Victuals

- 1957, Neishabor's Dervish
            Qoran's Persian translation
            Valley of Iris
            Itinerary of Galiver
            Bahar's poem
            About basis of stories and poem's stories
            Shams collection of poems or great collection
            Delicates of tribes
            Iranian and Islam
            Scientific method in correction and critic of literature texts

- 1958, Correct research
            Melody of Bukharaian
            Method of correction and critic of texts
            Lyric poems of Hafiz
            Books and men
            Veis and Ramin
            A note on passion-play
            Golshan Raz description

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