Mehri Shah Hosseini

Mehri Shah Hosseini, the poet and researcher, was born in Tehran’s suburbs. She started poetry, when she was a teenager. She holds the bachelor degree in Persian Literature. In 1995, her book, “the Iranian poetesses”, which is one of the most outstanding references about Iranian woman's poetry, was published by Modaber Pub.

She participated in the 4th worldwide women's conference in Beijing, the capital of China as an NGO (non-governmental organization) to introduce this particular book. In 1998, she published her poems collection named “I make love to his name” by Mahnaz Pub.

Mehri is a journalist, as well as a poet, and the idea of her book “Nature and poem in discussion with poets” was inspired from her work in “Barg Sabs" (green leaf) magazine and it was published by Mahnaz Pub.

In 2004, her book “Farsi speaking poetesses from seven cities of love”, including the biography and the compositions of 272 Farsi speaking poetesses from Asia, was published by Modaber Pub. This book includes seven countries poets, such as Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Caucasus and India.

In 1995, many of contemporary and past poetesses were introduced in the book of Iranian poetesses, but in her other book, "the Farsi speaking poetesses from seven cities of love", she gathered poems of these women from neighboring countries or the ones that had been of Iran empire territory in the past.

Mehri Shah Hosseini is a member of Children’s Book Union and some other environmental communities; she also handles the poem and literature page of some magazines. On November 2002, she participated in the Seminar of the Ancient Iran culture in UNESCO, held in Paris and she gave a speech and read some poems observing the poems of Farsi speaking poetesses. On this trip, she met Allen Lawns the famous poet and the president of French Poets and Writers Society. On October 2004, in ULB University of Brussels, she gave a speech on “Rabe`e and Love”.

    Caroun Photo Club (CPC)