Mehri Rahmani
Writer, Poet, Literary Critic & Researcher

Born in 1950, Tehran
MS in Biology, Tehran University

She has been studying in science, such as: art, Persian literature, philosophy, history, sociology, linguistic and specifically psychology for 30 years, so these branches of science can help human beings’ existence cognition.

Knowing human’s body nature and having carried out research and study on their soul and its exudation have caused the core of her works (all the criticism, poems and novels) to be formed based on knowledge of psychology. She believes that because literature and art are related to human being’s existence, so whoever works on such these categories, they should have knowledge on different aspects of human being’s cognition. How is it possible, when a personality enters a space of a drama but the author doesn’t know about the nature of his character?

It is a long time that Mehri Rahmani has been cooperating with different magazines such as: Donyaeh Sokhan, Karnameh, Golestaneh, Farhang & Cinema, Nafeh, Parvin, Meyar (Diroz-Emrooz-Farda), Kadeh, Ketabeh Hafteh, Rouznameh Entekhab, as a criticizer of the poems, the dramas, literature and art articles and occasionally, films and paintings.

One of the fields of her study is nationalizing Iranian psychology, because she believes, psychology is such kind of science whose method of using (psychology of education) in every society should have harmony with culture of those societies. One of her activities is study and researching on previous and contemporary poets and authors’ work (Hafiz’ Description-Sohrab’s poems reviewing-Sohrab’s ideology).

The latest research is: considering Carl Gustav Jung’s work and abstract of his works in a volume for access of everybody (under printing).

All Mehri’s works are about 30. One of the new works of Mehri Rahmani is writing some of her poems at the end of her psychology books (the fifty poems in “a woman’s loving letters” and the fifty poems in “the love and intercourse book”).

Pain of Repetition
This edition published in 2001 by Alborz Pub. – the humans’ events, who with no doubt involves the force and options. This book begins with a sentence of “Ayenol-ghozat” (in the first page). The human involves with the force by the option they have. This book has been finished with a sentence by the author in the last page of the book. In this book the human born four times in different spaces and the events occur within these characters, in fact during these events human achieves freedom. In this view, the outer events are not important but contacting with them is important.

There It Is Raining
Published in 2002 by Peikan Pub. - the content of this book is about different committing suicides and facing with these problems and solving them. For solving these problems, there are some suggestions: to establish some small cities for those depressed people with the supervision of psychologists and the other volunteers. The structure and rule of these building is different from a psychiatric and a hospital.

A Blue Night
Published in 2003 by Alborz Pub. – it is the story of a woman, who in her childhood has no father but her mother has been bringing up her, so that she finds love just in her mother. After a while she loses her mother. In special night she feels that having a man’s love. After a short time her husband has an accident then he stays in a long comma. She is living with her son, gradually feels there is no love. This emptiness takes her toward to events, in woman’s domain. This loneliness causes her to get some deep discoveries until the end of the story, which for her is a beginning.

Reconstructing a Short Story
Published in 2004 by Alborz Pub. – the story of a young boy who has a serious cancer. He has lost his father and is living with his mother. During his illness, his mother decides to enjoy her life with the son, in the remaining short time. She takes him to every party and fun places, in order not to have any sorrow and sadness. In this event, life becomes full of happiness and joys, so every moment is full of life.

Collection of Poems, Critics, Reviews:
I Am Becoming Like Myself
Collection of poems/Nakhostin Pub./obtained the first Toutia Prize/

Doubt of Big Bang
Collection of poems/Nakhostin Publication/from Sayed Ali Salehi’s workshop/

Passed Away Sohrab, who is Unknown
Explanation of Sohrab Sepehri’s ideology and its reflection on the death day/Alborz Pub./ published in 1999 and 2002/

Reviewing of two sets “passenger” and “We are nothing” from Sohrab: "The Eight Books"
Alborz Pub./published in 2003

Studying and interpreting of the novel, “Meaning of night and Touba” by Ms Shahrnoush Parsi-pour

The Fine Hafiz
(including corrected sonatas from the fine reliable versions –a short explanation on every sonata and an introduction on Hafiz’ ideology)/Alborz Publishers/under publishing/

The Taste of Forbidden Fruit, Mehri’s Narration
including three parts: The psychology, human being’s whole path – depression cure, in a frame of a story/Alborz Pub/published in 2000

A Woman’s Loving Letters
Alborz Pub./Published in 2001 and 2003/including: fifty letters and fifty poems on psychology matrimony, whose core is in Iran. A set of letters, their design is like a story.

The Sad Superiors
(study on root of kid-axis in Iran and solving this problem)/Peykan Pub./Published in 2002 and 2003

12 Pocket Psychology Books
(contain some extinguished sentences from the fifty books) about some subjects: love, self-confidence, choice, a woman, a man, beginning of life, peace, success, youth, beauty, joys & hope/Faze Danesh Pub/Published in 2002

Love & Intercourse, from Psychology Aspect
(contains: consultation, scientific discussion, dialog between a man and a woman- a short story about this subject)/Alborz Pub./under publishing in 2004

Have We Succeeded
(Educational psychology of, new generation incapability reasoning)/Asim Pub./2003/

Necessity of Knowing Jung
(under publishing)

The warm distance
(about the reason of static love between a man and a woman)

This path doesn’t reach to a high way (mute, pure picture)
a single middle age woman is waiting for a love

The dark page
(reasoning of being prostitute and facing with this disaster and solving the problem)

In the Microwave,
The dish of loneliness is warming
somebody, near this fireplace
is snowing.
Some strangers is in this house,
have set a ceiling together.
Each of them, in the memory of the
faraway unique...
The sound of spoons are heard from
the room of loneliness.
In the hour of distance,
the dining table crowded with
unrelated books.
corn snow in the eyes,
attacks on the flames of ice.

Microwave rings,
I pick up the handset,
somebody is cut.

    Caroun Photo Club (CPC)