Juan Genoves

Born in Valencia, 1930

He has studied in Fine Arts Schools of Valencia and Madrid.

Soon passed through an early stage of representatives. The next phase was relatively close to non-formalist abstraction, although with a certain narrative side to it. 

This brought him on to his latest phase: A special type of elaborate representation, in which the subject matter itself imposes its own stylistics, where vast masses of human begins cling together or scatter, in reaction to three or four fundamental problems facing the contemporary world: War, solitary, justice, injustice… By using “collages”, he sometimes creates a kind of “magical realism”. 

In these works the main protagonists are almost always loneliness and injustice. His paintings have become rapidly and widely accepted following a few exhibitions in Europe and the Americas. He was awarded “Marzotto” prize.

Caroun Photo Club (CPC)