Homeira Yaseri

Born on Aug. 9, 1966, Tehran
BA In English Language, Azad University, Tehran, 1992

- CPC First Annual Photography Exhibition 2006, Tehran
- CPC Isfahan Photography Exhibition, 2007
- CPC Second Annual Photography Exhibition, October 2007, Tehran
- CPC First & Second Annual Photo Exhibition, Sulaymania, Kurdistan, Iraq, Nov. 20-25, 2007
- Solo Photography Exhibition, Fam Gallery, Tehran, December 2007
- CPC First & Second Annual Photography Exhibition, Seymour Art Gallery, North Vancouver, Canada, May 8-29, 2008

- First Selected Work at CPC First Annual Photo Contest 2006: CPC Honorable Mention

I was only about 6 years old, that camera and pictures gave me magical feelings, but never had any chance to touch it. Years passed and I grow older and older...I experienced lots of other arts, mostly crafts ; as Iranian do a lot, never gave me that magical feeling, I had in my childhood already forgotten , better to say stolen from me…

Two years ago, for some reasons I went to Cyprus and I had a 4-month study at GMU. There, I got familiar with photography, and now you can make picture of me! That stolen magical feeling was getting back to me!
And again I was 6 years old with a camera in my hand... lots of lost years... confused... interested… inexperienced... lots of words to express... lots of feelings to share with....

There… I made some shots, and I had to get back to my country again. I am not going to any other classes yet... All I know is coming by my inner sense, having planned to learn it logically though. I like to add that I love photography as I do love my family… I respect any kind of arts... and among them photography is the best because:

Photography is my favorite language to talk to and listen to... A unique way to pass through different nationalities... and listen to their stories... capturing deepest feelings of the nature... talking to the dusts and mountains... playing hide and sick with the shadows... communicating with the lights... going to the parties of different colors and dancing with the music of spirits... Each photo is telling us many endless stories... even about the pains, sadness, war or peace... From the old time on the cave, images keep the truth inside up to now with all modern technology... Just I wish we all keep the truth inside safe and secure...

Caroun Photo Club (CPC)