Rasoul Younan

Translated to English by Manavaz Alexadrian

that the heart of the sky breaks
how can I stop crying
of all the stars
only a burning stone
has fallen into my house
they cut her hair
and mailed to me,
and now hear the end of my tale
may I enjoy health!
how can I stop crying
I have never been happy when I open a letter.

I'm thinking about you
the snow is falling again
again the small fox
with bloody dangling leg
walks away from the farm
Are you weeping?
I promise you
to undo the trap
for many years they have laid the trap, Leila!
and everything will change.
We are no more kind
we are no more...
How childish I have become tonight!
Your snowy village
and the fox
that limps away and
carries us with herself.

I'm afraid
lest you come with death
at that time I
will grow pale
my hand will tremble
no, I can make
coffee for you
and no....
Now think about
the horrible tik-tak of the clock
the pale man
an extinguishing stove
and then
the snow falling.

    Caroun Photo Club (CPC)