Bahareh Rezai

Summoning Ghosts
Everything started with this simple monologue:
"Is there anybody in this room
who can measure the dimension of my mind
and will know here!
exactly here!
beside the analytical geometry of my mind?
several times I have drawn
the stool with horizontal lines
under the word "Presence"!
No! the rule is no more a suitable device for
I repeat, "Is anybody here in this room
who knows, how much I dream
that I am alive still...?!
with this simple monologue
I have converted all the squares in mind
into cubes I am present here
and my solo tone has tired me...
If anybody is there in this room
please let him shine
over the word "Light"
I am content with an ordinary conversation even.
Is somebody in this room?!
No sound is coming
and morning breaks
on the word "Silence".

    Caroun Photo Club (CPC)