Prayer-Niche (Mihrab)

Mihrab is a place in Mosque, where “Imam Jama’at” (the head of Muslim prayers) prays, there. Regarding the holiness of Mihrab, this place is usually distinguished from the other spaces by embellishments, such as tile-works or arch.

These images are called “Mihrab” in carpet designing.

It is noticeable that, because of the holiness of these images, Hunting and Feast designs are not used in them; but trees and flowers representing heaven could be seen in these carpets.

This design is classified in accordance with the decorative elements used in Mihrab design ground, such as columns, the hung lantern from the arch, trees and vases.

Thus, the classification is:

- Columned Mihrab
- Tree (Anatolia)
- Vase
- Scenery designs

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